Discover the true story of John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed. Although today considered an imaginary character, Chapman played an instrumental role in the expansion of the frontier and development of Ohio. Utilizing primary sources, including stories from locals who knew him, this exhibit explores the man who cultivated a nation.
This exhibit highlights the biography and personal characteristics of Chapman, while utilizing artificial intelligence and personal descriptions to create new images that accurately portray the man, and prompting questions around how Chapman is remembered today.
Admission to the exhibit is free and open through October 11, 2024. Following the exhibits run at the museum, it will be available to other organizations as a traveling exhibit. Development of this exhibit was funded by the Ashland County Community Foundation with additional support from Premier Metals.
The Cleo Redd Fisher Museum is a subsidiary of the Mohican Historical Society. All rights reserved.
The Mohican Historical Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 203 East Main Street Loudonville, OH 44842